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Discover Paraguay, a sweet and hospitable country with both indigenous and European roots and a typical and tasty gastronomy...

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PARAGUAY offers visitors a rich and varied tourist experience.

A fascinating history, a cultural, artisanal and folkloric diversity, a unique gastronomy added to a great infrastructure plus the cordiality of its people make Paraguay a destination that can't be overlooked.

How to get:

The Asunción airport, in the capital of Paraguay, receives international flights connecting it with the world's main cities; with daily flights to São Paulo and Buenos Aires that allow further connections with a wider set of destinations and frequencies.

You can also get to Asunción by land, if you are in the Iguazu Falls Area (330km) and / or from Encarnación (Jesuit Ruins) 280 km. This allows you different ways to combine this attractive destination with the Iguazú Falls Area.


Asunción and surroundings

Historical and Artisanal Circuits: Itá, Itaguá, Lake Ypacaraí, Areguá, Paraguarí, Caacupé, Yaguarón, Luque and so on.

Jesuit Ruins

Recommended stay: Minimum 2 to 3 nights.

About us?

We are a DMC fully dedicated to the development of Incoming Tourism specialized in Customized Services, Incentive Tours, Meetings and Events.

Why choose us?

More than 40 years in the industry speak for the quality of our seasoned management, a staff of trained and experienced professionals willing to develop and provide services, always having the satisfaction of our clients as the goal.

  • Av. Joao Paulo II 1050 Loc 06
  • +55 (45) 35234959
  • +55 (45) 988085575