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A permanently flooded wild region, without a doubt the most natural experience in Argentina...

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The Iberá Esteros (Wetlands) are a wild region, formed by a permanently flooded area, about 30 centimeters deep. The Paraná River changed its course millions of years ago and it is on the old bed of this river that the Iberá is located. It is characterized by a large flooded plain over sandy soil where you can see dozens of animal species that have chosen this fabulous place to be their habitat.

The climate varies from rainy to very rainy, the water that covers the plain does not come from springs or rivers but directly from the fallen rain.

The animals seen there are basically the same as those found in the Pantanal: the Caiman yacare, the capybara, deers, the howler monkey and dozens of species of birds such as parrots, parakeets, storks, herons, falcons among others .

How to get:

The Iberá Wetlands are located in the province of Corrientes - Argentina, about 400 km south of the Iguazú Falls and 200 km from the city of Posadas.

In the center of the Esteros (120 km on a dirt road) is the Iberá Natural Reserve, with its small town Carlos Pellegrini serving as an accommodation base and tour lauching center.


November to May is the rainy season, when the rivers rise and flood the plain. The animals take refuge in dry, more secluded areas. June to October is the dry season, less rain and colder weather is when the animals concentrate in small ponds, which makes them easier to spot.


Walks through the forest to observe the fauna and flora, Visit to the Reserve's Interpretation Center, boat excursion, horseback riding, night fauna spotting (mainly caiman).

Approximate duration of each activity: 2 to 3 hours

Recommended stay: Minimum 2 nights (3 nights recommended).

About us?

We are a DMC fully dedicated to the development of Incoming Tourism specialized in Customized Services, Incentive Tours, Meetings and Events.

Why choose us?

More than 40 years in the industry speak for the quality of our seasoned management, a staff of trained and experienced professionals willing to develop and provide services, always having the satisfaction of our clients as the goal.

  • Av. Joao Paulo II 1050 Loc 06
  • +55 (45) 35234959
  • +55 (45) 988085575